Central Blog

Trevor Curington
What we believe determines what we do and how we live. For example, if we have been told all our life that we are a worthless loser, unwanted, unloved, and will not amount to anything, then we will live just like that.
Trevor Curington
We all long to belong! To be wanted, noticed, chosen, accepted, valued & loved–IN Jesus, we are!
Trevor Curington
If we are honest; sadly, at some point in our life, we have all relationally experienced lyrics of the Sesame Street song, "One of these things is not like the other. One of these things just doesn't belong."
Trevor Curington
Doug and three others share the mission and vision of Central by going through our "Discover Central" class in service with the entire church.
Trevor Curington
I shouldn't, but I find it amazing how Jesus shows up in the most unexpected places. He's good at that, isn't He?
Trevor Curington
Generational wisdom, experience, and example are essential and invaluable. What are we modeling?
Trevor Curington
Parents, be Jesus! Because who we are and what we do teaches far more than what we say!
Trevor Curington
Serve–Love–Respect. First with God; then with one another.
Trevor Curington
Foundationally, the Person of God, "Who God Is", is revealed in His Word, His Son, and His burnishing of our faith in life!
Trevor Curington
Webster defines community this way –a unified body of individuals, people with common interests living in a particular area.
Trevor Curington
We are being transformed by God to transform the world.
Trevor Curington
Have we so watered down the word, that it has lost its meaning? We are talking about Love from a Biblical perspective.