Local & Global Outreach

Bringing the hope of Jesus to our community and all over the World

At Central, a portion of all God blesses us with is given over to our partnering ministries. We support ministries and missions that have local, regional and global impact for Christ.  All of our partnering ministries seek to do the work of Christ in a tangible way to help the community and world around us.  We work hard to support them not only with our prayers and finances, but with our hands and feet as well.  We would love to help you connect with them and the ministry they are accomplishing in Jesus’ name.

Local Outreach

Your generosity directly supports these ministries in our local community

Global Outreach

In addition to supporting local ministries, your tithes and offerings reach around the world.

Local Outreach

Local outreach description here

State SIDE OutreACH

State side outreach description here

Global Outreach

Global outreach description here