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  1. Casey Scott

    Hey Timothy!

    Psst – I know that’s not really your name, but sometimes, that’s how we refer to you here at Chapel Rock. You are one of our “Timothy’s,” one of the many who were raised up, nurtured in the faith, and/or commissioned and sent out from here to serve the Lord Jesus across the street or around the world.

    Chapel Rock is going to celebrate a milestone birthday in 2024 – Sixty years! We are planning a day of celebration on February 4, the closest Sunday to our actual birthday (the church held her first service on February 2,1964), but we’ll come back to this special year a few times through the year, and we’d like to ask you to be part of it.

    Specifically, what we’re asking you to do is one or both of two things: First, a quick video of you saying your name, where you serve now, and “Happy Birthday Chapel Rock!” shot on your phone and emailed to Carol Nicely ( by January 29.

    Secondly, if you would, we would love to have a written testimony of how Chapel Rock was influential in your calling to ministry and how your time journeying with us shaped you. It doesn’t have to be long, in fact – it’s probably better if it’s pretty brief, but we’d like to use it in a celebratory book we’re putting together to be given to the congregation later in the year. This book will be a collection of stories and testimonies of God’s work through the people of Chapel Rock over the past 60 years. Along with your story, any photos that document a portion of your story, and/or where you are today, would be helpful. Please include a clear and detailed description of any photos. The deadline for submissions for this is March 15, 2024.

    Thanks so much for your willingness to help us celebrate this significant moment in the church’s life. May God bless you richly in this new year.

    Casey Scott
    Lead Pastor
    Chapel Rock Christian Church

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