Satan’s Head Games

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“…I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me.” – Romans 7:23

I recently read, “A doctor says, ‘You are what you eat.’ A psychologist says, ‘You are what you think.'” Truth! As Proverbs 23:7 says, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.”

We are what we think. What we believe determines how we behave. Believe me, Satan knows this so well. If he can mentally play havoc with our mind, manipulate and deceive us into believing his many lies – he will then influence our behavior accordingly. But here’s the deal, stinkin’ thinkin leads to stinkin’ living. Garbage in – Garbage out. As Levi Lusko writes, “You can’t live right if you won’t think right…negative thoughts can’t lead to a positive life.” Fear is a liar. Fret, a schemer. Anxiety, a stealer. Worry, a thief. Discouragement, a destroyer. It’s for this reason that Colossians 3:2 commands, “Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.” Our God is fully aware of Satan’s head games. God knows that there’s an all-out war to control our mind, will and beliefs – our thoughts, desires and even decimate our faith in Him. That’s why Jesus says this in Mark 12:30, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” Do we truly?

Completely aware of Satan’s head games, in Ephesians 6, God tells us to specifically put on the helmet of salvation and belt of truth. Gear up for battle with the mind and way of truth. How? Well, personally I pray scripture focusing on my ‘mind of truth’ and ‘way of truth’. My ‘mind of truth prayer’ includes: ‘renew my mind (Rms 12:2); take captive my thoughts (2 Cor 10:5); and set my mind on things above (Col 3:2). My ‘way of truth prayer’ includes: know of and hold on to truth (John 8:31-32); guided in truth (Ps 25:4-5); and walk with and in truth (3 Jn 1:4). When my mind begins to battle within, I will stop – rethink, repent, remove, refill, refocus in order to renew and spiritually reboot my mind in a manner that honors God. And is it ever helpful and desperately needed. Praise the Lord I can – we all can do this! If you would, please join me and start praying those verses today – right now. Continue to do so. God is listening. He will lift us up.

So, let me ask – what deep hurt, bad habit or self-defeating hang-up has a mental grip on us right now that needs completely and constantly surrendered to God? Turn our fear, fret, anxiety, worry, discouragement over to God – He will set us free! He truly will. As Jesus says in John 8:31b-32, “Jesus said, ‘If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” So needed!

Thinking and Walking in God’s Way and Truth,
Pastor Doug

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