A Friend of God

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James 2:23, “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him and righteousness,” and he was called God’s friend.”

Called God’s friend. Wow. What a statement. Oh for that to be said of us – correct? Well, wait a minute, in John 15:15 Jesus says exactly that, “I have called you friends.” I’m not sure if we’ve ever heard that before now. See, God had a personal friendship with Abraham that was forged and refined is his life’s successes and struggles, trials and triumphs. God desires the same with each and every one of us. He so desires a personal friendship with us – yes, us! 

The question is, do we truly desire a personal transformational relationship with God. Now, in self-evaluation, are we God’s friend or a mere acquaintance? Seriously! Don’t answer too quickly. Stop right now, contemplate and evaluate how much time we’ve actually spent together with God this past week. Was it merely 1 hour on Sunday – if that, honestly; or is our interaction with God daily, regularly and moment by moment. Because the amount of time we spend with God will greatly impact how strong and deep our friendship with Him is. The same is true for any friendship. So, what will we remove from our regular routine and stop doing in order to start spending more time with God? He so desires a personal relationship with us as John 3:16 says, “For God so loved that world that He gave His One and Only Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.” God chooses us, what will our choice be? A friend of God or a mere acquaintance? The choice is ours, but God so wants a deep friendship with us that will last into all eternity. 

To be called a friend of God, wow – what a privilege and honor. To know that the God of the universe desires and wants personal friendship with us – yes, us. Now that’s amazing. That’s transformational. So, what’s our choice? A friend of God or a mere acquaintance? I choose to be a friend of God, will you? Will who God is impact and influence change in our conduct, character and conscience as we live for, by and with Him every day? That’s what it means to be a friend of God. Where our friendship with Him is forged and refined, deepened and strengthened in life’s successes and struggles – knowing that our Friend: God Himself is with us every moment of every day, we are not alone – now that’s a friendship worth having. So, what’s our choice? A friend of God or mere acquaintance?

God bless you all. Truly! 

Doug Reed // Lead Pastor

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